Friday, January 11, 2019

Malfunction 2

On my album "Malfunction" on Praxis once more.
I already mentioned that I had a severe mental health crisis in 2004, which led me to get in contact with a Christian cult (the Lorberians - based on Jakob Lorber) which led to an "exorcism" which nearly led to my death.
Because of this, I couldn't finalize my second release for Praxis, which was planned on 12" and CD.
Now, people asked me, why wasn't it released *after* these events - and instead 14 years later?
The thing was, there were many issues that led to my crisis. But one thing was that I had promised to deliver the album in 2002; it was 2 years later and it was not finished. I was way behind schedule, so to say. At the same time I was studying for a type of exam that was very important. So I decided to spent some weeks doing only studying half the day and working on music the other half. I stopped meeting with friends, going to parties, doing my radio show etc. I did not stop all free time. I watched TV some time and other things. But it was not much.
These were weeks of intense mental strain; and shortly after I finished the work, the crisis came into full effect.
It seemed to me as if I had blown my mind on working for the album and the exam. And this might be true.
But there was also another issue. As I wrote before, the crisis didn't start that year. I had many troubles before and got into spirituality, conspiracy theories, Christianity, Satanism and related things. When working on that album, I had the concept of writing an esoteric spiritual album. I tried to channel "astral energies", "angel energies" and stuff like that into the tracks. Yeah, I was pretty delusional and fucked up at that point. When I finished I thought to myself that I didn't write any tracks by myself but that an "astral entity" had possessed me during the production sessions. The first album title I had in mind was "Tales From The Astral Plane". How insane!
So this twofold dive into madness was the reason I kept the tracks all to myself all those years. I wondered if I should really release them given the circumstances.
But eventually I got around to thinking the tracks sounded pretty good despite the things that happened. And also a lot of work was done, especially the planning phase, in a saner state of mind.
So this is my story and the story of this release. Hope you can enjoy the music regardless.

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My name is Sönke, my artist name in music is Low Entropy. I'm a Christian cult survivor and an exorcism survivor. The exorcism I went t...